Customer Testimonials

AV Painting did a great job painting my house. They have a great team, and delivered on all expectations. They helped with color selection and added trim where it was needed. Very high quality of work, great communication throughout. I was a little bit worried about paint getting on new deck, but everything turned out to be perfect. Here are some before and after pictures.
— Vladimir Schipunov

AV Painting’s estimate was in line with others. Kevin, was detail-oriented and responsive. Aaron was also responsive and worked with us when we wanted something specific. Arturo painted most of our second floor and did it lightening fast and quiet! He’s very diligent. My partner works from home a lot and was amazed. We had a short punch list and it was completed by lunch the next day. I’d certainly recommend AV Painting. ?
— Becki Neel

This was our second time using AV – they painted our house exterior a few years ago and we were pleased with the project; they’ve just finished our kitchen and we are thrilled with the results. The workmanship is excellent. All the cabinet doors were taken to their warehouse for sanding & painting. The prep work was really solid with a great deal of care. We were able to still have access to the kitchen (fridge / sink, etc). We highly recommend AV.
— Sara Ireton

We hired AV Painting to repair and paint the exterior trim around the roof of our house. The paint bubbled and peeled from water leaks in multiple places. Jonnathan did an amazing job for us!! He kept us informed, kept the sight clean, and his work is beautiful. I highly recommend AV Painting and will absolutely use them again.
— Julie Keeffe

Under promise, over delivering.
We booked AV painting 2 month ahead to lock a 3 day as part of our big project.
One week before the start date they found their labor shortage, and are able to manage resource from somewhere else, so it is good project started on time.
There is some change in painting plan due to ongoing project, and painter is patient, friendly, listen to our need, communicate and complete them on time with good detailed finishing. I believe they charge a reasonable price for good quality service, and it is lower than some oral quote from home depot. Overall it exceed my expectation, compare to some painting story from my friend.
— Han Xi

“We have worked with AV painting on four projects and every time we are so pleased with their attention to detail and quality of work. They are very professional in every way. Jonnathan was our main painter on several projects and he is excellent! Screen reader support enabled.”

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“A great team of guys, who did a thorough and very professional job. Despite some terrible weather, they worked very hard to produce excellent results. We enjoyed working with AV Painting and would happily use their services again in the future.”

“We hired AV Painting to repair and paint the exterior trim around the roof of our house. The paint bubbled and peeled from water leaks in multiple places. Jonnathan did an amazing job for us!! He kept us informed, kept the sight clean, and his work is beautiful. I highly recommend AV Painting and will absolutely use them again.”

“We have worked with AV painting on four projects and every time we are so pleased with their attention to detail and quality of work. They are very professional in every way. Jonnathan was our main painter on several projects and he is excellent!”

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